The Swiss Bank Program: The Justice Department Announces Final Resolutions

FinCEN Announces Automatic FBAR Extension

The IRS Issues Final Regulations Governing Foreign-Owned Single Member LLCs

The IRS Offshore Compliance: New Stats Indicate a Slow in OVDP Submissions

The European Commission Ordered Apple to Pay Nearly $14.5 Billion, Claiming Tax Benefits Violated EU State-Aid Rules

The First Lawsuit Challenging the IRS’s New Anti-Inversion Regulations

Partnership Foreign Tax Withholding Obligations

The Brazilian Tax Amnesty Program: The Regime Especial de Regularização Cambial e Tributária

Expatriate Group Urges Adoption of a Same-Country FATCA Reporting Exception

Facebook Under IRS Audit: Facing IRS Transfer Pricing Challenges, Facebook Refuses to Comply with Summonses

Government Report Finds that Improvements are Needed in the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program


Panama to Join OECD’s Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters in Wake of Panama Papers Leak

A Brave New World | The Panama Papers and the United States’ Role as a Tax Haven

TIGTA Report Critical of the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program, Finds that the IRS Should Assess More FBAR Penalties

IRS Adding 700 Enforcement Personnel and Criminal Agents—Audits and Enforcement Activities to Increase