
Tax Court to Revisit the Statute of Limitations Applicable to Those Claiming USVI Bona Fide Residency in Light of Tax Information Sharing Between the IRS and USVI

The Department of Justice Announces Major Law Enforcement Actions Against Mail Fraud Schemes

Bitcoin and Beyond: The Reality of Taxing and Regulating Virtual Currency

The Eleventh Circuit Weighs in on the United States Virgin Islands’ Economic Development Tax Credit

The European Commission Ordered Apple to Pay Nearly $14.5 Billion, Claiming Tax Benefits Violated EU State-Aid Rules

The Evolution of Partnerships and Partnership Audits

Foreign Bank Account Reporting | The FBAR

Litigating IRS Penalties

The 10 Most Litigated Tax Issues of 2015

The First Lawsuit Challenging the IRS’s New Anti-Inversion Regulations

No Soup for You | District Court Finds Restaurant Owners Personally Liable for Trust Fund Taxes and Imposes an Injunction Against Failure to Comply with Future Tax Obligations

Partnership Foreign Tax Withholding Obligations

The Cheek Defense to Federal Tax Crimes

The Latest IRS Tax Identity Theft Scheme

The Brazilian Tax Amnesty Program: The Regime Especial de Regularização Cambial e Tributária

Expatriate Group Urges Adoption of a Same-Country FATCA Reporting Exception

Facebook Under IRS Audit: Facing IRS Transfer Pricing Challenges, Facebook Refuses to Comply with Summonses

Government Report Finds that Improvements are Needed in the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program