The United States’ Need to Reevaluate Legislation on International Cybercrime to Successfully Compel Forfeiture of Digital Assets Abroad

Bare Bitcoins | No Fourth Amendment Privacy in Virtual Currency Records

Cryptocurrency and Bankruptcy

Recent IRS Cryptocurrency Memorandum: Surprise, Surprise, It’s Still Taxable

The Freeman Law Project – Podcast Episode 3 – Cryptocurrency: A Brief Primer

Cryptocurrency Taxation: Frequently Asked Questions

IRS Cryptocurrency Taxation: What you Need to Know in 2020

Doctor Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison for Filing False Income Tax Return Involving Offshore Assets and Cryptocurrency

Leaders of CFTC, FinCEN, and SEC Issue Joint Statement on Digital Assets

SEC: Bitcoin and Ether Are Not a Security

The Current Federal Tax Treatment of Cryptocurrency

The Taxation of Hard Forks

Initial Coin Offerings (“ICO”) Regulation

Cryptocurrency Regulation: Recent Developments

Cryptocurrency | The IRS’s Next Big Crackdown

Coinbase: The Government Strikes Back, Again

Bitcoin Forensics – The Facade of Anonymity

Enforcement Actions: Virtual Currency Exchanges