Cryptocurrency, Third-Party Subpoenas, and Personal Jurisdiction Collide | Strobel v. Lesnick

Can You Go To Jail for Failing to Disclose Virtual Currency on a Tax Return or as Part of an Offer for a Collection Alternative?

Bare Bitcoins | No Fourth Amendment Privacy in Virtual Currency Records

Recent IRS Cryptocurrency Memorandum: Surprise, Surprise, It’s Still Taxable

The Freeman Law Project – Podcast Episode 3 – Cryptocurrency: A Brief Primer

Cryptocurrency Taxation: Frequently Asked Questions

Leaders of CFTC, FinCEN, and SEC Issue Joint Statement on Digital Assets

SEC: Bitcoin and Ether Are Not a Security

The Taxation of Hard Forks

Initial Coin Offerings (“ICO”) Regulation

Cryptocurrency Regulation: Recent Developments

Cryptocurrency | The IRS’s Next Big Crackdown

Bitcoin, Blockchain, and the Revolution to Come

Bitcoin Forensics – The Facade of Anonymity

Enforcement Actions: Virtual Currency Exchanges

Virtual Currency and Taxes: The IRS’s Ongoing Battle to Summons Virtual Currency Records

SEC: Virtual Tokens Issued in Blockchain-Based ICOs may be “Securities”

Bitcoin and Beyond: The Reality of Taxing and Regulating Virtual Currency