Texas Comptroller’s Voluntary Disclosure Process

Unreported Foreign Accounts? How to Choose the “Right” International Tax Attorney to Help You

Flint Demonstrates the Risks in Trying to Make a Willful IRS Streamlined Filing Non-Willful

Can the IRS Deny My Submission under the Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures?

Common Mistakes in Submitting an IRS Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedure Submission: And a Discussion of Professional Malpractice

Is My Foreign Retirement Account Subject to IRS Information Return Reporting (FBAR, 3520, etc.)?

Why Taxpayers in Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi Should Consider the IRS’s Streamlined Compliance Procedure Program Now

Yet Another Streamlined Filing Turns into a Criminal Indictment, Implicating Former CPA and Businessman

IRS Gets Green Light to Seek Information from Third Parties Regarding Panama Offshore Legal Services

A Summary of the IRS’ Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures

The Rahman Case is a Cautionary Tale of What Can Go Wrong under the IRS Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures

The IRS’ Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures

The Danger of a Quiet Disclosure

The Updated IRS Voluntary Disclosure Program

Last Call: The Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program to End

Non-US Residents May Still Be Subject to FBAR Reporting Guidelines

An Update on International Tax Enforcement

TIGTA Report Critical of the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program, Finds that the IRS Should Assess More FBAR Penalties