Texas Comptroller’s Voluntary Disclosure Process

IRS Voluntary Disclosures and Criminal Employment Tax Violations

The IRS’s Voluntary Disclosure Practice (VDP): IRS Revises Form 14457

Is My Foreign Retirement Account Subject to IRS Information Return Reporting (FBAR, 3520, etc.)?

IRS Gets Green Light to Seek Information from Third Parties Regarding Panama Offshore Legal Services

The Rahman Case is a Cautionary Tale of What Can Go Wrong under the IRS Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures

State and Local Tax Voluntary Disclosure

The IRS’ Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures

The Danger of a Quiet Disclosure

The Government’s Warning to Taxpayers: False Certifications of Non-Willfulness Will Be Prosecuted

The J5 Continues its Efforts to Identify International Tax Cheats

The Swiss Bank Program: Civil and Criminal Risk for Offshore Account Holders

The Updated IRS Voluntary Disclosure Program