Freeman Law Attorney, Halliburton, Presents on Ethics and The Who at State Bar of Texas Course

DOL Final Rule on Exempt Employee Salary Thresholds

Texas Nonprofits and Sales Tax on Admissions

Nonprofits and Prohibited Inurement (?)

We did What?! Now What? – Nonprofit Organizations and Excess Benefit Transactions

IRS Issues Exempt Organizations Technical Guide for Disqualifying and Non-Exempt Activities for 501(c)(3) Organizations

Treat People With Kindness (But Don’t Forget Secular Tax Law)

Section 501(c)(3) Dissected: IRS Issues Detailed Guidance on Exempt Purposes

Department of Labor Issues Guidance on Religious Exemption Final Rule FAQs

The Collision of Title VII and Religious Freedom —The Aftermath of Bostock v. Clayton County for Religious Organizations

Church Inquiries and Examinations by the IRS | A Look at Section 7611 and Its Exceptions

Florida Sales Tax on Ticket Sales for the Sunshine State’s Nonprofits

Yeah, Science! IRS Issues Guidance Section 501 (c)(3) Scientific Organizations

Michigan Nonprofit Corporations: The Wolverine State’s Softer (Yet Strongly Regulated) Side

Some Good Deeds Do Go Punished: Private Foundation Self-Dealing Tax Consequences and Considerations

Extra, Extra: IRS Division of Tax Exempt and Government Entities Releases FY2023 Program Letter

Is Your Trade Associations prepared for IRS audit? IRS Issues Technical Guidance for 501(c)(6) Organizations

Insurance Considerations for Nonprofit Organizations