Advising International Business Ventures: Tax Reform and a Quasi-Territorial Tax System

International Tax Enforcement: The Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement

FBAR Penalty Update

New Changes Are Coming to Partnership Withholding

The IRS Announces New “Compliance Campaigns:” Unreported Virtual Currency, S-Corporation Compliance, and International Tax Enforcement Are Top Priorities

Another FBAR Penalty Case Demonstrates the Perils of Failing to Report a Foreign Account

The Colliot Decision: The Government Loses an FBAR Case that May Change International Reporting Penalties

From Worldwide to Territorial, What Does It All Mean?

20/22 Vision – Tax Consequences for Puerto Rico

The Section 965 Transition Tax

The Paradise Papers Continue to Shed Light on the Use of Offshore Tax Havens

Last Call: The Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program to End

Determining the Enforceability of a Section 6038A Summons

Summoning Foreign Records: The Section 6038A Summons

Court Finds Senator Rand Paul and Co-Plaintiffs Lacked Standing to Challenge Foreign Account Reporting Rules

Non-US Residents May Still Be Subject to FBAR Reporting Guidelines

Foreign-Owned Domestic Disregarded Entities: The New Reporting Requirements

An Update on International Tax Enforcement