Failure to Report Foreign Trust

Do FBAR Penalties Survive Death? A Texas Court Says “Yes”

IRS Gets Green Light to Seek Information from Third Parties Regarding Panama Offshore Legal Services

FBAR Penalties: Another Court Holds that FBAR Penalties Can Exceed the Regulatory Ceiling

The FBAR (Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts): Everything You Need to Know

Federal Court Imposes Willful FBAR Penalties on Long-Time CPA

The Tax Court in Brief June 21 – June 25, 2021

Passport Revocation Challenges | Shitrit v. Commissioner

What is the Proper Characterization of a Foreign Entity for Federal Tax Purposes: Chief Counsel Memo. 2021-002 Offers Some Clues

Federal Court Concludes that FBAR Penalties are not Subject to the Flora Rule

The Bedrosian Saga Continues

Death Doesn’t Stop the IRS | Failure to File FBARs

U.S. Digital Service Providers with Mexican customers: Avoid being “shut-down” in Mexico

Expat Execution | The TIGTA Audit Recommends IRS Increase Its Enforcement Efforts

Everything That You Need To Know About International Tax Penalties

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

International Tax Planning Between Mexico and the U.S. in COVID Times

The IRS’ Streamlined Foreign Offshore Procedures