Proposed Regulations on Loans of Cash and Property from Foreign Trusts

What is a Foreign Trust?

Employee Stock Ownership Plans | A Brief Overview

The IRS and Abusive Trust Arrangements: Non-Grantor Trusts

Section 643(b) and Trusts

Why You Should Hire a Tax Professional to Review Your Trust

Lawyers and Leadership – Trust is more important now than ever

Charitable Remainder Unit Trust (“CRUTS”) and Cryptocurrencies

The IRS’s Renewed Focus on Abusive Trust Arrangements

The Claim-Of-Right Deduction: Grantor Trust’s Prohibited Sale of Restricted Stock Did Not Give Rise to Relief Under Section 1341

Will a Spendthrift Trust Protect Against IRS Collection Actions?

Federal District Court Concludes Trust Held Property as Nominee

Form 3520-A, Information Return of Foreign Trusts With a U.S. Owner

The Sham Trust Doctrine – When will a Court Disregard a Trust for Federal Tax Purposes?