The Tax Court in Brief May 3 – May 7, 2021

The Tax Court in Brief April 26 – April 30, 2021

The Tax Court in Brief April 19 – April 23, 2021

The Tax Court in Brief April 11 – April 16, 2021

The Tax Court in Brief April 05 – April 09, 2021

The Tax Court in Brief March 29 – April 2, 2021

The Tax Court in Brief February 15 – February 19, 2021

COVID-19 Relief? Think Again! Corporate Charitable Contributions for Disaster Relief

Clarifying the Contours of “Reasonable Compensation”

Conservation Easements and the Tax Court

The Court Finds Rescission Doctrine Inapplicable on Complex ESOP Arrangement

NYU Tax Controversy Forum

Federal Court Dismisses Taxpayer’s $1.8 Million Refund Claim Due to Insufficient IRS Form 2848 Authorization

IRS Summonses and the Powell Factors: A Recent Case Demonstrates the Burdens of a Motion to Quash

The Tax Preparer Enjoined from Tax Preparation After Engaging in Fraud

Section 7403 Tax Enforcement Actions

Tax Shelter Penalties: Listed Transactions and Reportable Transactions

Quashing an IRS Summons | Make Sure to Cross Your T’s and Dot Your I’s