Kentucky Blockchain Legislation Status

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Kentucky  Cryptocurrency Laws

Regulation of Digital Currencies: Cryptocurrency, Bitcoins, Blockchain Technology

Kentucky HR 171
Adopted 3/14/19
Urges a comprehensive study of and subsequent plan to deal with the growing blockchain technology.

Blockchain Information & Resources:

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Digital Currency

Virtual and cryptocurrencies are built on blockchain technology—a technological innovation that allows for a distributed, decentralized digital ledger generally built upon cryptographic mechanisms and complex consensus protocols. From a legal perspective, many of the tax, regulatory, and other legal issues associated with blockchain technology and cryptocurrency require an understanding of this underlying technology.

Cryptocurrencies involve unique tax considerations. Businesses and individuals need up-to-date guidance and insight regarding the tax law and its impact on virtual currency activities at the state, federal, and international levels. Freeman Law is positioned to advise clients on the latest cryptocurrency tax strategies and thinking.

Kentucky  Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Attorneys

Is cryptocurrency legal in Kentucky? Do you have Cryptocurrency or Blockchain Issues or questions? Freeman Law is an innovative thought leader in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Blockchain and virtual currency activities take place in a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.

We are dedicated to staying at the forefront as these emerging technologies continue to revolutionize social and economic activities. Contact us to schedule a consultation or call (214) 984-3410 to discuss your cryptocurrency and blockchain technology concerns.