
Buying Real Estate in Coastal Mexico: Tax Implications in the U.S. & Mexico

Tax Court in Brief | Craddock v. Comm’r | Deficiency for Disallowed Business and Travel Expenses

Procedimiento simplificado ante el IRS para extranjeros fuera de EUA

Florida Sales Tax on Ticket Sales for the Sunshine State’s Nonprofits

Monetized Installment Sales Make the IRS’s “Dirty Dozen” List for the Second Straight Year

Tax Court in Brief | Adams v. Comm’r | “Seriously Delinquent Tax Debt” and Passport Revocation

Tax Court in Brief | Aragoni v. Comm’r | Disallowance of Deduction of Ex-Spouse’s Attorney Fees as Alimony

Tax Court in Brief | Freman v. Comm’r | Innocent Spouse Relief Under Section 6015(b), (c), and (f)

Tax Court in Brief | Johnson v. Comm’r | Section 179D Energy Efficient Building Property Deduction

Tax Court in Brief | Mulu v. Comm’r | Accuracy-Related Penalty and No Reasonable-Cause Excuse

Tax Court in Brief | Belton v. Comm’r | “Seriously Delinquent Tax Debt” and IRS Requirement to Comply with Lien Procedure

Tax Court in Brief | Lim v. Comm’r | Disallowance of Charitable Contribution Deduction for Lack of Qualified Appraisal; Reasonable Cause Exception

Tax Court in Brief | Shilgevorkyan v. Comm’r | Deficiency for Disallowed Mortgage Interest Deduction; Qualified Residence Interest

The IRS and Abusive Trust Arrangements: Non-Grantor Trusts

Reviewing a Foreign Legal Structure

Fraudulent Transfers | Insolvency

S-Corporations | Involuntary Termination of the S-Election

Tax Court in Brief | Lucas v. Comm’r | Deficiency for Early 401(k) Distribution; 10% Additional Tax; Exclusion for “Unable to Engage in Any Substantial Gainful Activity