At Freeman Law, our clients are engaged in an interconnected business environment that spans across the globe. From supply chains to markets, cross-country taxation impacts every global business. Our international tax attorneys guide clients through tax planning and compliance so that they can focus on what matters most.
The United States is a signatory to more than 60 income tax treaties with countries throughout the world. Each treaty offers unique planning opportunities. From permanent-establishment planning, subsidiary or branch formation, transfer-pricing considerations, anti-hybrid planning, and everything in between, our tax attorneys, CPAs, and experts provide insight and guidance that is custom-tailored to our clients and their unique circumstances.
The United States is a signatory to more than 60 income tax treaties with countries throughout the world. Each treaty offers unique planning opportunities. From permanent-establishment planning, subsidiary or branch formation, transfer-pricing considerations, anti-hybrid planning, and everything in between, our tax attorneys, CPAs, and experts provide insight and guidance that is custom-tailored to our clients and their unique circumstances.